As I do unto you, do un-to me.
My body is an intellectual property. My creator is fed with a morning cup of antioxidant-rich coffee and gulps of green tea throughout the day. According to the re-searches around the Web, these drinks are good. According to my body this feel good. This property is fed up with the noisy, overcrowded population I am in as to living the presence.
Take a moment. Now. Stop the rush!
I am stoked, yet starving. I hunger for knowledge, and thirst for the truth. I see it everywhere, yet I don’t know how to convey. Messages gets dis-connected very easily, yet you see truth in the tiniest moments of a second. So little characters out there, and too many words taken for granted.
I have shot – therefore witnessed in advance – too many people eating tofu, too many cyborgs of interrelated expressions, refusing to come along into one body in this one place we call home, i.e. merely a single full-stop at the center of the universe, as a tiny ant in the eyes of God.
As I cloud-compute, I witness your ideas clouded under ‘tags’ in the blogosphere, and your confusions are merely my reflection of this massive landscape. If hence this short, tiny “blog post” passing you by as a fleeting thought is something of value, then let it be. Let it be the poster, or a flyer. Simply flyer.
To whom it may listen to your dare of heeding this body, face the multitude with a top angle, against all medium, above all lies.
Should there be any technical difficulties, confront the world. This new, picture-perfect world.
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