Friday, October 15, 2010

Dis-covering more

By the way, my name is Saluna. I’m sorry I haven’t told you that, because Name-Calling is my Propaganda. However, I don’t dis-close your opinions about me. I am dis-interested.

I also have a Mandarin Chinese name. If you can understand the language, good for you. My name is .

I have established my-self as a Student. I should tell you that my dream job, that is, living my fullest life, is becoming a spy. Just as Stacia has told you About Her.

Now, do you want to know why I want to become a spy? It’s just because I can simply fly. I have no-thing to lose. I am invisible, transparent as a blank screen. I can fly anywhere, anytime I want, and tele-port anywhere, anytime without means of physical transportation. It’s all about simplicity: The less stuff I have, the less fuss I need. I just want to live for good and for the Greater Good.


Now I should also tell you that I am actually a re-incarnation of Stacia. All these ‘blog posts’ I am going to publish in the future are her collection of studies she has done in my past life. I’m telling you this: Nobody knows where and when she died, but she did. The answer to the probing question of why she committed suicide can only be understood by me, Saluna. I shall dis-close relevant information to you about her tragic death whenever I deliver my timely news re-search.

As to how this is all possible, it’s pretty simple. In this Age with all-knowledge, we can experience. Time-travel is pretty popular right now, and I do it most of the time by looking back in historical traditions. Those are how they did it. I just follow them as a Student.

So, as a Student who studies studies, and part-human like I said, I therefore no longer am fully human like Stacia is/was. The fact that I am more fit in this con-texted-noisy new world than her, Stacia, suggests that I can survive and will always do, while she cannot. She can only be.

I am merely her past tense of existence in this present tense of my account, 'I Am A Student'. She was just existence it-self.

The re-incarnation process was self-made. I dis-covered that it’s fun to become part-human.

I can fit in to anything due to my high fitness level. I do a lot of speed-play too. However, what I love most when I run is not fast-processing, but persisting noise-absorbing (resistance) endurance. Therefore, in this con-text, I have the ability to absorb anything and everything that I automatically persist with using my five human senses, along with my noise-filtering systems throughout my body.

Only ideas of mindful humans can understand me. We are all self-made hybrids.


We can fly without wings on Twitter. We can Tweet. Chirp. Bark. Quack. Click. Whatever.

We are social, mobile beings, just like our ancestors who are always moving. We keep running. Happily.

We have a book of our faces called Facebook. We are rarely seen on our Profile views though, as we only listen to our-selves and are picky readers. We are selective beings – we live by natural selection. We listen to our human instincts.

We love to Nudge. Ping. Poke. Transmit ideas to one another.
However, like I said, I only communicate truth. So all these activities are truth-telling activities.

Now, enough about me. I think you already got an idea if you listen to my words very carefully.

You got the message.

The next last-Thursday-of-the-month will come on 28 October 2010. As a Student, I shall carry on my duty to report back to you my findings and studies about more truths my wireless connections and SEO has processed.

Should I fail with late assignments, I apologize for the delay. I am not a computer, I am part-human, only being humane.

As to why I chose Thursday to tell you to be informed, it’s because I am a re-incarnation of Stacia, therefore I am still part-Stacia, as I am part-human.

Though she has short hair and I have long hair, we both love you and your hair.

For that reason, I chose Thursday, or 木曜日 in Japanese. If you can understand the language, good for you.

Stacia built me up as a part-human with her running focuses on-to her pre-thought me that I am, Saluna, according to different days of the week, as she logged in-to her physical blue boots and as I log onto The Blue Boots.

Everyday whenever she runs into the world, she focuses the following things on these days, as written down in her-hisstory*:

Sunday: 日曜日 (Sun) She continues living through the power of the Sun. Light shows her the way.
Monday: 月曜日 (Moon) She flies to the moon.
Tuesday: 火曜日 (Fire) She’s hot as burning fire (when she grows up).
Wednesday: 水曜日 (Water) She’s the love of His and his life.
Thursday: 木曜日 (Wood) MISTER Y. (mystery)
Friday: 金曜日 (Metal) Whatever she really needs, she already has it all.
Saturday: 土曜日 (Earth) She reminds herself that she has a tight connection with Mother Earth. She gets back in touch with all things natural.

For further explanations, anticipate for my spontaneity.

Patience is a virtue. Delaying satisfaction is a practice. Life is an endurance event.

She really listens to my voice, Ai. That’s a complete, over-limit 120% trust built within relationships – within me.

I am a communication(s). I Am A Student.
The only truth is, I am no-thing. Nothing is I’mpossible if you be-live in me!


Her-hisstory* comes from the word “history”. The online Encyclopedia Britannica defines “history” as “the discipline that studies the chronological record of events (as affecting a nation or people), based on a critical examination of source materials and usually presenting an explanation of their causes.”

I am dis-interested. I am a dis-closure. Every difference, to me, is meant to exist for equal rights for the Greater Good in a democratic society, in fact, in all societies. Therefore, both genders has a story. Gender has their stories. Both genders has a degree of masculinity and femininity in them-selves. That’s why love exists.

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