Here’s an interview transcript of my dead body, Stacia, with me, the resurrected. Because I am a Student, I recorded the conversation to preserve such valued and abled information. Who knows that it might turn out useful in the near future, for my espionage ventures or something.
STACIA HO: How do you learn best? Observation? Participation? Trial and error? Rumination and cogitation? Consulting experts? Writing?
Agent SALUNA, Spy-wannabe: Uhm, studying?
SH: How open are you to new ideas and information? Do you change your mind frequently, based on what people have told you? Are you a traditionalist, deciding on the basis of what’s always been?
Agt. S.: I am always open. However, I filter a lot of information using my bias too. So I will always maintain my objectivity in all subjects I immerse myself into. Therefore, I am a biased, yet open-minded Student. That which is why I am not easily influenced by external forces on other opinionator’s convicted truths. I believe there is only one truth ultimately, that “universal truth” we are all always seeking after. Such thought has been passed down for generations, so yes, I live by examples. Stacia has always been strong as a human, and I’ve got the privilege from somewhere up there to rise again and live up to become this much stronger version of herself.
SH: When you walk into a party, what do you notice first? The mood? The people? The decorations? The things that need to be fixed? The background music? The food on the buffet table? Whether or not you fit in?
Agt. S.: The main stage. Then the music. And then the people. That’s how I know whether I fit in the environment or not: Whether I should stay to study, or bail out, moving on to the next subject. However, I would probably be coming into any party with Cassie and Andrea anyway. They’re probably get their hair and makeup done before the party with me at my place.
SH: Is one sense more highly developed than another? For instance, do you tend to take in the world primarily through vision? (“I’ll believe that when I see it!”) Or are you more auditory? Do you determine if a person is lying by the tone of voice? What about the sixth sense—intuition? How often do you rely on your “gut” and then have your feelings confirmed?
Agt. S.: My sense of hearing is the strongest of all, and my sixth sense. Blame it over my dead body. Stacia has gone through months without the pleasures that come in senses of touch, smell, and taste. In hindsight, she should’ve fed more to those senses so as to remain alert (and get away without her death in the first place), but ever since she’s dead, she’s coming more into terms with listening to the dead and hearing deep voices. Right now she’s an empty vessel, sure, but what’s really for sure is that I as the resurrected am not a ghost. Just, a better version, with a clearer vision. That’s when my job kicked in – My sense of sight has turned into the visionary Ai, seeing the whole world with a great eye with Ai.
SH: Do you usually notice problems around you? What is your response? Do you write an angry letter to the editor? Shrug and move on? Analyze what’s wrong and how to fix it? Take it as evidence that the world is falling apart? What about problems within yourself?
Agt. S.: There are problems, everywhere! Everybody has their problems. In my point of view, out of all the problems out there our responsibility as an individual is to be picky at problem-solving. Pick one problem, personalize the problem, and work at your pace, with your own ways. That’s how I always generate creativity as I go along, because it’s a problem for myself and also for others. You know, “I”, in plural, is “we”. So it’s all the same problems, it’s just that I break it down into little means of these ends. It’s a matter of picking the right problem for myself in order to serve others.
SH: Would you say you are an optimist or a pessimist? Would your friends agree?
Agt. S.: Cassie would say I’m an optimist. Andrea would say I’m pessimistic. Go ask them. But in truth I always try to remain positive.
SH: Are you more interested in the past, the future or living in the now?Are you one to keep holiday traditions? If you had to move tomorrow, how long would it take you to make new friends?
Agt. S.: Like I said, I live by examples. What has been succeeded in history should work today too. How superheroes of the past have worked in their times, I tend to study them, and apply them to my present situations, see if they work. If they don’t, I’ll just tweak it for the sake of moving on. I don’t like to be stuck in a single stimulus. Hey! You and I and the rest of the world were programmed to become receptive from all of the stimuli out there that catches our human senses! If I were to move to another location, it doesn’t take a long time for me to find a circle of friends. However, I value friendship ties that are built on trust. I have one with Cassie. No matter what, whenever she needs me the most, I will be there for her on point, and I know she does the same for me. Well. It takes a while, a long, long while, to really get to know me. That, I know for sure.
SH: How do you decide if you can trust someone? By experience with this person? First impressions? Intuition? Do you test the person somehow? Or are you just generally disposed to trust or not to trust?
Agt. S.: In time. That’s all I can say.
SH: Are you a deliberate, careful speaker, or do you talk without thinking first? Do you use slang, or do you use diction your old English teacher would approve?
Agt. S.: Stacia has cost her life for always talking without thinking. She is the ultimate speaker of her mind. It wasn’t because she’s expressive – it’s just because she is responsive to the issues she’s aware of, and not exactly trying to say she’s absolutely confident in herself, because she is shy at heart. She just always speaks her mind so that the world won’t remain this silent. As for me, I am stronger than her because I can survive, as I can speak robot language, which is the inexpressive, inhumane, the most unnatural way that it all works these days.
9 Questions to Ask Your Main Character on Writer’s Digest.
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