Mind map

Simply weird

My name is Stacia and I am artsy-fartsy, lovey-dovey, girly nerdy, and a spender of quality, luxury goods. That's shopgirl in common parlance.

I love to dance. Effin' love to dance, sing my heart out loud, and especially to fast-beating, heart-pumping music. And I love wearing not-too-tight-but-just-right dresses that fit my body too while I shake along with the rhythm of the flow.

I don't normally wear hats except when I'm running or hiding from the Sun, but I love to just go space out and think.

Writing is thinking. To write well is to think clearly. That's why it's so hard. - David McCullough

Traditionally, there's the Six Thinking Hats (see wiki) to put on. It's an application system for different states of thinking, established by scholar Dr. Edward de Bono. It's like an app for your thinking mode, which is pretty cool.

The White Hat. For: Facts & information.
The Red Hat. For: Feelings and emotions.
The Black Hat. For: Being cautious.
The Yellow Hat. For: Being positive and optimistic.
The Green Hat. For: New ideas.
The Blue Hat. For: The big picture.

My Lucky Hat is the hat to use without thinking. It's the go-to style for looking cute the quick-and-easy way as I am living in our increasingly time-budgeted lives that inherently reduces our mental attention span.

Accounts are payable to the ginormous bombardments of our daily headlines from newsstands, stop signs, and annoying ads and pop-ups online, saying things like: Hello, look at me! Look me! Buy me! BUY ME!!! on a constant basis.

Do I buy it? No.

Filtering takes a whole lotta work for my brain to process and do my creative work whenever I need to give my undivided attention to my working projects.

Retail therapy

My mind works 24/7 (and yours too, read more science news, people!), so I've got to figure out a way to stop and shop.

Ai met charming godmother Bree when she lost her lucky hat.

As the world is spinning and global economy continues to fabricate complex ideas every friggin' millisecond, shopgirl finds it harder to strike a pose, maintain a showstopper look, and finding the perfect style with a sustainable management system that can last for, hopefully, forever.

So I say to myself, simplify, simplify. Simplicity is the key.

On my own Web site, where I am currently working on my own children's book fiction based on a character I call Ai, I write that:

My Lucky Hat has lists of thingies and stuff to keep in mind and shares motivational tips on-the-fly. It's Ai's lucky charm.

So, until I find my personal style, I hope that it will be that way as I keep on progressing to get my life back in order. Despite the fact that I am 20 years old, I regard my brain drainage as a quarter-life crisis, thanks to overthinking. Which is probably why I am closest at heart with the Arts.


As your mind boggles along with my blog, I shall reveal my permanent ruins and wounds in all aspects of my life as a result from overthinking things, sometimes even not thinking things through and seeing the long-run perspective.

Think of it as that of a film. I shall chronicle the dark side of my life non-linearly, taking away the narrative element of storytelling, by putting on My Lucky Hat. It's normally through thinking without thinking that you can discover who you truly are, saying things to yourself, and showing who you are as a public figure - and that's the power of a blogging platform.

That is also to say, I have to pay homage to some of my favorite blogs that had a huge impact on me. Their words have moved me.

I also try to practice my writer's voice expressed into free-form verses as I go along, dealing with the problem areas of my film during all the cutting and editing process. So this blog shall be so much more as a reassessment of my life as a narrative, rather than a meditation.

Although, both ways are equally reflective, which then becomes a leeway for My Lucky Hat to roam free in a diary format. Publicizing it is another factoid while I'm holding my real-time position as a Mass Communication student, writing out loud from San Francisco.

How, then, can it be possible to marry private thoughts in practice with professionalism? The only answer to that question is personality.

Like I said, I am artsy-fartsy, lovey-dovey, girly nerdy, and a spender of quality, luxury goods. Simply weird, though thankfully regarded as funny by my friends.

Material-wise, I function best when carrying quality bags with lots of pockets, comfortable shoes that last long, and a good waste management system (brain-wise) to keep in mind as I carry myself along the way.

So, for the first tip: Hold yourself accountable. Perform duties in a timely manner for the sake of your own well-being - against all odds, against all costs!!

Are my public opinions reliable?

Trust me, I don't know either, because you are the judge. But I always try my best to see the big picture before making my statements. 

To know that we know what we know, and that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge. - Henry David Thoreau

When it comes to knowing, I am always curious in just about anything, which might explain why I have such a wide range of interests.
I asked James Muyskens, President of CUNY Queens College, on my visit to the school for my brother’s graduation, as to how he thinks journalism can serve for the betterment of the society. He commented: “Right now there’s so much about throwing out opinions, and all of these opinions doesn’t inform the public to solve the problems we are facing today.” 
During the commencement ceremony on May 25, 2010, his self-proclaimed shortest address ever given in the history of his presidency was, interestingly enough, only crafted by quoting three of the most notable figures in history.
1. “Know yourself.” – Socrates
2. “Control yourself.” – Cicero
3. “Give yourself.” – Jesus 


Abiding to that, My Lucky Hat also serves as an ongoing publication of creative proses I refer as extensive nut grafs to lead The Blue Boots, a workbook of data information where I practice performance, and editorials for The Pink Sleeves, my creative pieces I call my own textbook, where I practice writing artsy-fartsy, lovey dovey, girly thingies but not nerdy stuff.

The nerdy stuff is here in My Lucky Hat, which comes along with the package whenever I act as Saluna the Student, my alter-ego, placed in a fictional setting in the world of academia, who wants to be a Spy.

The Essential Feature
FYI, a nut graf is a journalism terminology.

It is a paragraph (or more) that gives a story a focus and a purpose, depending on its audience. It provides relevant information, newsworthy context, and historical significance, depending on the subject.

As Vicky Hay mentioned in her book The Essential Feature: Writing for Magazines and Newspapers, the nut graf is a "transitional capsule statement (often called the "bridge" by newspaper writers)" that serves as an organizing tool for a feature story.

Therefore, the character-driven aspect of this blog features and authorizes Spy-wannabe Agent Saluna the Student, an essential protagonist I am shaping in my life as a narrative. She speaks in strong, first-person statements, writes in Times New Roman, and loves earning extra credits.

Me? I'm only her brain (who's trying to not think too much).

I simply fly, with Ai.