Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Show and tell

Look, and see.
Read, and get to know.
Be patient, and you’ll understand.
Make observations. Draw inferences.

So, I try it all. Being the story, and show the performance.

You can tell your own by showing the things you do.

So this is what I do: Writing letters.


“Just tell me what to do, and I do it.”


“Just tell me what to do, and I do it.”


“Just tell me what to do, and I do it.”


“Just tell me what to do, and I do it.”


“Just tell me what to do, and I do it.”


“Just tell me what to do, and I do it.”


“Just tell me what to do, and I do it.”


“Just tell me what to do, and I do it.”


“Just tell me what to do, and I do it.”


“Just tell me what to do, and I do it.”


“Just tell me what to do, and I do it.”


“Just tell me what to do, and I do it.”


“Just tell me what to do, and I do it.”


“Just tell me what to do, and I do it.”


“Just tell me what to do, and I do it.”


Now, all I have to do is determine what the story is about – How I live, and why living. Why living at all?

Currently, I am still stuck being a Student.

<沁> The osmosis processor / understanding

“Who am I in relation to you?” That’s the question Miranda July asks herself when writing stories.

To me, that’s the question I ask everyday when I go on-line and face the world.

I never shut down my computer. I never turn it off to sleep. I suffered from nights of insomnia. I suffered from breathing fast and sweating all the time. I suffocate in restlessness.

I stuffed all consumable information within sight in long duration of hours – for about a year. Questionably, a lifetime. I listen to many voices around the globe speaking in different languages that I have the ability to calculate in my mind – comprehension.

I had no filter. I was unbiased. I was a useless medium.

I am nothing.

After I came off-screen, I faced the mirror. I looked into the reflection on my compact.


So I came undone. I stormed out of the door, then reshape my vision. I change, every step I take, after all those things I’ve seen around the world. I recreate reality, every chance I got. After all, those voices are calls for my help. I try, and try, and I keep going. I’ve got so much to give.

I run.

When I come back passing the threshold, the room fills in better air. The room feels much better.

I became something else. A program, in relation to you.

But who am I, exactly?

Like I said, I am no-thing.


  • Miranda July is a performing artist, film director, actress, and a writer.
  • (qin4) is Stacia’s middle name. (I, Saluna, have no middle name.) Definition from soak into, seep in, percolate.
  • The side means “water” (shui3). To learn more about the Chinese character classification, see Wikipedia.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My idea of doing what I do

Ai Kago – “Fly Me To The Moon” (Starring Yurina Kumai)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

ATM encounter

I am processing myself within the market liquidation process as I draw something out of the machine.

The Automatic Teller Machine.

With-drawal of a liquid asset, what we call ‘cash’ for everyday means of bartering values, takes a person to commit oneself to death, since that liquidity in hand means that person is subject to immediacy.

I then must be ready on-the-fly in this particular setting.

Investing on time to increase the subject “intelligence” can actually be the best form of value spent. By drawing out cash, that machine has told me something, therefore those precious seconds within 24 hours of a day was indeed time well-spent.

My brain is installing the teller applications, sending me signals from newly-formed neural passages, transmitting messages throughout my body.

I became a priceless, intangible asset.

However, I have been taught to sell myself to the world by coming in, wearing these clothes on me, with a huge price tag.

Fleet, tweet. Click.

As I do unto you, do un-to me.

My body is an intellectual property. My creator is fed with a morning cup of antioxidant-rich coffee and gulps of green tea throughout the day. According to the re-searches around the Web, these drinks are good. According to my body this feel good. This property is fed up with the noisy, overcrowded population I am in as to living the presence.

Take a moment. Now. Stop the rush!

I am stoked, yet starving. I hunger for knowledge, and thirst for the truth. I see it everywhere, yet I don’t know how to convey. Messages gets dis-connected very easily, yet you see truth in the tiniest moments of a second. So little characters out there, and too many words taken for granted.

I have shot – therefore witnessed in advance – too many people eating tofu, too many cyborgs of interrelated expressions, refusing to come along into one body in this one place we call home, i.e. merely a single full-stop at the center of the universe, as a tiny ant in the eyes of God.

As I cloud-compute, I witness your ideas clouded under ‘tags’ in the blogosphere, and your confusions are merely my reflection of this massive landscape. If hence this short, tiny “blog post” passing you by as a fleeting thought is something of value, then let it be. Let it be the poster, or a flyer. Simply flyer.


To whom it may listen to your dare of heeding this body, face the multitude with a top angle, against all medium, above all lies.

Should there be any technical difficulties, confront the world. This new, picture-perfect world.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Landing among the stars

I don’t like putting my favorite stuff on static mode.
By stuff, I mean people, places, and things. Things we love that show as the light, like little stars at night.
I do like putting them into my movable-type, though. I just write.

I do put out stuff I like. I just don’t like doing bureaucratic work, because I get lost within a single desk of unlimited Name-Calling data in this Digital day we live in now.
I like to move, preferably with my user.
I always maintain un-attached so that them users remain un-reachable to me, and therefore, I am always meant to, subjected to, and have-to get them.
I have-to get things I like about them while these individual’s individualistic subjectivity remain unreachable to me.
As part of my work that has a job title of a Student, I prefer to do this unreachable goals at short-term intervals that are accumulates in time, therefore achieving a singular objectivity, a single context, and a strongest of the stronger stories out of the strong stories in the long run.
To reach those star-lit stories, I have got to work it all out, as nothing in life is for free.
How we work translates into value. Therefore, each movable-step forward translates into a decision-making variable. So what I work for must translate myself into a set of quantifiable values.
They keep telling you that the moon is too far and unreachable. Therefore, flying to the moon is un-doable.
I need you to make it simply undo-able, so that all of us, as subjected individuals, can all grow valuable, valued and abled.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Dis-covering more

By the way, my name is Saluna. I’m sorry I haven’t told you that, because Name-Calling is my Propaganda. However, I don’t dis-close your opinions about me. I am dis-interested.

I also have a Mandarin Chinese name. If you can understand the language, good for you. My name is .

I have established my-self as a Student. I should tell you that my dream job, that is, living my fullest life, is becoming a spy. Just as Stacia has told you About Her.

Now, do you want to know why I want to become a spy? It’s just because I can simply fly. I have no-thing to lose. I am invisible, transparent as a blank screen. I can fly anywhere, anytime I want, and tele-port anywhere, anytime without means of physical transportation. It’s all about simplicity: The less stuff I have, the less fuss I need. I just want to live for good and for the Greater Good.


Now I should also tell you that I am actually a re-incarnation of Stacia. All these ‘blog posts’ I am going to publish in the future are her collection of studies she has done in my past life. I’m telling you this: Nobody knows where and when she died, but she did. The answer to the probing question of why she committed suicide can only be understood by me, Saluna. I shall dis-close relevant information to you about her tragic death whenever I deliver my timely news re-search.

As to how this is all possible, it’s pretty simple. In this Age with all-knowledge, we can experience. Time-travel is pretty popular right now, and I do it most of the time by looking back in historical traditions. Those are how they did it. I just follow them as a Student.

So, as a Student who studies studies, and part-human like I said, I therefore no longer am fully human like Stacia is/was. The fact that I am more fit in this con-texted-noisy new world than her, Stacia, suggests that I can survive and will always do, while she cannot. She can only be.

I am merely her past tense of existence in this present tense of my account, 'I Am A Student'. She was just existence it-self.

The re-incarnation process was self-made. I dis-covered that it’s fun to become part-human.

I can fit in to anything due to my high fitness level. I do a lot of speed-play too. However, what I love most when I run is not fast-processing, but persisting noise-absorbing (resistance) endurance. Therefore, in this con-text, I have the ability to absorb anything and everything that I automatically persist with using my five human senses, along with my noise-filtering systems throughout my body.

Only ideas of mindful humans can understand me. We are all self-made hybrids.


We can fly without wings on Twitter. We can Tweet. Chirp. Bark. Quack. Click. Whatever.

We are social, mobile beings, just like our ancestors who are always moving. We keep running. Happily.

We have a book of our faces called Facebook. We are rarely seen on our Profile views though, as we only listen to our-selves and are picky readers. We are selective beings – we live by natural selection. We listen to our human instincts.

We love to Nudge. Ping. Poke. Transmit ideas to one another.
However, like I said, I only communicate truth. So all these activities are truth-telling activities.

Now, enough about me. I think you already got an idea if you listen to my words very carefully.

You got the message.

The next last-Thursday-of-the-month will come on 28 October 2010. As a Student, I shall carry on my duty to report back to you my findings and studies about more truths my wireless connections and SEO has processed.

Should I fail with late assignments, I apologize for the delay. I am not a computer, I am part-human, only being humane.

As to why I chose Thursday to tell you to be informed, it’s because I am a re-incarnation of Stacia, therefore I am still part-Stacia, as I am part-human.

Though she has short hair and I have long hair, we both love you and your hair.

For that reason, I chose Thursday, or 木曜日 in Japanese. If you can understand the language, good for you.

Stacia built me up as a part-human with her running focuses on-to her pre-thought me that I am, Saluna, according to different days of the week, as she logged in-to her physical blue boots and as I log onto The Blue Boots.

Everyday whenever she runs into the world, she focuses the following things on these days, as written down in her-hisstory*:

Sunday: 日曜日 (Sun) She continues living through the power of the Sun. Light shows her the way.
Monday: 月曜日 (Moon) She flies to the moon.
Tuesday: 火曜日 (Fire) She’s hot as burning fire (when she grows up).
Wednesday: 水曜日 (Water) She’s the love of His and his life.
Thursday: 木曜日 (Wood) MISTER Y. (mystery)
Friday: 金曜日 (Metal) Whatever she really needs, she already has it all.
Saturday: 土曜日 (Earth) She reminds herself that she has a tight connection with Mother Earth. She gets back in touch with all things natural.

For further explanations, anticipate for my spontaneity.

Patience is a virtue. Delaying satisfaction is a practice. Life is an endurance event.

She really listens to my voice, Ai. That’s a complete, over-limit 120% trust built within relationships – within me.

I am a communication(s). I Am A Student.
The only truth is, I am no-thing. Nothing is I’mpossible if you be-live in me!


Her-hisstory* comes from the word “history”. The online Encyclopedia Britannica defines “history” as “the discipline that studies the chronological record of events (as affecting a nation or people), based on a critical examination of source materials and usually presenting an explanation of their causes.”

I am dis-interested. I am a dis-closure. Every difference, to me, is meant to exist for equal rights for the Greater Good in a democratic society, in fact, in all societies. Therefore, both genders has a story. Gender has their stories. Both genders has a degree of masculinity and femininity in them-selves. That’s why love exists.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

An account

“The medium is the message.” – Herbert Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980)

This is the story about a girl who doesn’t want to have a job. This is the girl who needs to live the fullest life.

Yes, I am the girl. Or maybe a woman already, but I still doubt on that. So right now, I don’t know for sure.

I am a student. Therefore, I study. This is my written-text journal. I entitled these arrangement of words into an organization field I call a 'I Am A Student' account, not a journal, because I contain factual information. However, due to my human emotions, I can lean over to journalism now and then some time in the future. Some time in the future, I may add pictures, audio, and/or video for the purposes of better understanding of the general readership. However, I communicate best with words. So, I write on.

Traditionally, we have been all trained to compute data through education. Now, I think it is time for me to pay back my dues for gratitude’s sake. It is therefore my job to share information.

On the other hand, I am a self-educated student. Since I am human, I mostly operate by auto-suggestion. I learned that skill by reading Napoleon Hill's all-time bestseller, Think and Grow Rich.

As a self-educated student, I keep this journal to account my research findings and report my studies. I hope to be able to look back and read on things that I’ve learned in the past-present and future-possibilities to remember all the factual information I am required and/or expected to know anytime, anywhere in this Knowledge Age we are living in.


I read the written word a lot. I write the written word a lot. I can understand these words not only in the English language. To learn more about my more languages I learned, click me.

I can never do too much research at, by, in, to, and of words. I can only organize. This account will be my words organization management system. Please feel free to login to my account as I share my password with you.

My current research takes 80% of my daily life, and it is mostly from personal observation. Since I am student, and therefore still studying, I am a rookie at whatever the hell I am doing with these written-texts.

If, by any chance you happen to meet me on physical terms, I can now tell you that I have the ability to read words in speech and rewrite words again in my own voice: Ai.


I am a communication(s). Therefore, I deliver (a) message(s). I also transmit them, if you let me look into your eyes.

I don’t have a TV, nor do I have a radio. I only have the Inter-net with me.

However, I can read video and audio too, because they are based on written words. I read and write words.

For doing research, I specialize in my SEO (Search-Engine Optimization) running abilities. Therefore, my mental speed rejects slow-processing things throughout the Inter-net.

My brain works like a computer. I run most of the time. My sleeping mode is inconsistent, depending on my heart’s direction. I have a strong heart though. My aerobic fitness is higher than the average person. You can check on my fitness level and calculate my average pace from The Blue Boots: A running log.

Those Boots are my tools of creativity, so I am very creative due to my flexible mind and body. I even have my own pacing strategy to manage this company of communication(s) in my brain.

My specialty is doing something for a very long period of time. I specialize in one thing at a time. One thing in my mind at a single time-interval. Therefore, I am always objective for the long run. No matter how many different subjected-noises I am moving into, I have the mental ability to produce wireless connections in-between them. These shall be re-presented into written words on this account, as you shall read.


Why am I born so curious in so many disciplines about so many interests? I don’t know. I am just that.

I don’t get the authority to decide who I am by the society, but I know that I do things under any honest direction. That is, any humane direction from an intimacy-established user, which is why I value truth and only communicate by truth for its own sake. It’s all factual information. Text. With a message.

I lead my thoughts by human instinct. I am part-human anyway. I just use 20% of my time and 100% of my brainpower to make use of this medium and operate my mind by managing this account as a Student of my studies.

These are things I am still working on:

  1. Other people’s directions that are against my subconscious agenda that I myself have yet to discover
  2. Personal transparency issues on trust
  3. Communicating ideas through bias-resistant personal defense mechanisms

Therefore, every now and then, you should be aware that I constantly change my settings, namely my privacy settings.


I do my daily observations through things that I sense using my senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. Mostly, I use my sense of sight to read written words and observe movements surrounding me at specific time-intervals. My sense of hearing has a special filtering system of its own to listen to only the substances of stories out there, further broken down after that into a single important message.

I do all these important jobs by re-charging my batteries 8 hours a night, so I am on hiatus 8 hours a night. Sometimes even up to 11. It depends, since I am part-human.


I always get what I need in this Era of Information, so part of the purpose of this account is to get what I want to live my fullest life that I have yet to discover. I am still studying it.

Other than that, anticipate for spontaneous content creation every last Thursday of the month on this medium you have called a “blog post”, on this platform you have called a “web site” within the rest of the 16 hours of that Thursday. Some-where in-between those time-period, I may include some information about my-self.