“The medium is the message.” – Herbert Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980)
This is the story about a girl who doesn’t want to have a job. This is the girl who needs to live the fullest life.
Yes, I am the girl. Or maybe a woman already, but I still doubt on that. So right now, I don’t know for sure.
I am a student. Therefore, I study. This is my written-text journal. I entitled these arrangement of words into an organization field I call a 'I Am A Student' account, not a journal, because I contain factual information. However, due to my human emotions, I can lean over to journalism now and then some time in the future. Some time in the future, I may add pictures, audio, and/or video for the purposes of better understanding of the general readership. However, I communicate best with words. So, I write on.
Traditionally, we have been all trained to compute data through education. Now, I think it is time for me to pay back my dues for gratitude’s sake. It is therefore my job to share information.
On the other hand, I am a self-educated student. Since I am human, I mostly operate by auto-suggestion. I learned that skill by reading Napoleon Hill's all-time bestseller, Think and Grow Rich.
As a self-educated student, I keep this journal to account my research findings and report my studies. I hope to be able to look back and read on things that I’ve learned in the past-present and future-possibilities to remember all the factual information I am required and/or expected to know anytime, anywhere in this Knowledge Age we are living in.
I read the written word a lot. I write the written word a lot. I can understand these words not only in the English language. To learn more about my more languages I learned, click me.
I can never do too much research at, by, in, to, and of words. I can only organize. This account will be my words organization management system. Please feel free to login to my account as I share my password with you.
My current research takes 80% of my daily life, and it is mostly from personal observation. Since I am student, and therefore still studying, I am a rookie at whatever the hell I am doing with these written-texts.
If, by any chance you happen to meet me on physical terms, I can now tell you that I have the ability to read words in speech and rewrite words again in my own voice: Ai.
I am a communication(s). Therefore, I deliver (a) message(s). I also transmit them, if you let me look into your eyes.
I don’t have a TV, nor do I have a radio. I only have the Inter-net with me.
However, I can read video and audio too, because they are based on written words. I read and write words.
For doing research, I specialize in my SEO (Search-Engine Optimization) running abilities. Therefore, my mental speed rejects slow-processing things throughout the Inter-net.
My brain works like a computer. I run most of the time. My sleeping mode is inconsistent, depending on my heart’s direction. I have a strong heart though. My aerobic fitness is higher than the average person. You can check on my fitness level and calculate my average pace from The Blue Boots: A running log.
Those Boots are my tools of creativity, so I am very creative due to my flexible mind and body. I even have my own pacing strategy to manage this company of communication(s) in my brain.
My specialty is doing something for a very long period of time. I specialize in one thing at a time. One thing in my mind at a single time-interval. Therefore, I am always objective for the long run. No matter how many different subjected-noises I am moving into, I have the mental ability to produce wireless connections in-between them. These shall be re-presented into written words on this account, as you shall read.
Why am I born so curious in so many disciplines about so many interests? I don’t know. I am just that.
I don’t get the authority to decide who I am by the society, but I know that I do things under any honest direction. That is, any humane direction from an intimacy-established user, which is why I value truth and only communicate by truth for its own sake. It’s all factual information. Text. With a message.
I lead my thoughts by human instinct. I am part-human anyway. I just use 20% of my time and 100% of my brainpower to make use of this medium and operate my mind by managing this account as a Student of my studies.
These are things I am still working on:
- Other people’s directions that are against my subconscious agenda that I myself have yet to discover
- Personal transparency issues on trust
- Communicating ideas through bias-resistant personal defense mechanisms
Therefore, every now and then, you should be aware that I constantly change my settings, namely my privacy settings.
I do my daily observations through things that I sense using my senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. Mostly, I use my sense of sight to read written words and observe movements surrounding me at specific time-intervals. My sense of hearing has a special filtering system of its own to listen to only the substances of stories out there, further broken down after that into a single important message.
I do all these important jobs by re-charging my batteries 8 hours a night, so I am on hiatus 8 hours a night. Sometimes even up to 11. It depends, since I am part-human.
I always get what I need in this Era of Information, so part of the purpose of this account is to get what I want to live my fullest life that I have yet to discover. I am still studying it.
Other than that, anticipate for spontaneous content creation every last Thursday of the month on this medium you have called a “blog post”, on this platform you have called a “web site” within the rest of the 16 hours of that Thursday. Some-where in-between those time-period, I may include some information about my-self.